Saturday, March 27, 2010

ooh-oh ,

hey loveliesss !
it feels so weird without my links in my blog .
i was trying to change my blogskin when all my links suddenly went missing .
not only the links , if you'd notice ,
there are some here-and-there errors .

im bad at this , i know .
but i'll fix it soon :)

on the other hand ,
today's the earth hour 2010 !


Earth Hour is a global WWF climate change initiative. Individuals, businesses, governments and communities are invited to switch off their lights for one hour on Saturday, 27th March 2010 at 8:30pm to 9.30pm to show their support for action on climate change.


so yepp ,
do show all your support in this event loveliess !
do note that our earth is not doing any better now .
the sun's killing , weather's becoming more and more unpredictable , ozone layer's getting thinner and thinner each day , more and more inconsiderate people around and again ,
the hothothot weather every afternoon !

though i don't think a day of saving the earth would help much ,
but one day is definitely better than nothing at all .
at least ,
switch of something that is not being used tonight ,
rather than not bothering about this at all .

you can make a difference to the earthh !

so anyways ,
i'll most probably be out with the turtles tonight during the event .
hopefully it won't disappoint us by seeing the amount of people switching off their lights .

gotta run ,
toodlesss :)

missboo .

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