Thursday, April 07, 2011

what i've achieved so far ,

Been pretty caught up with some stuffs lately ,
keeping me occupied so much that sometimes i miss doing NOTHING at all .
Don't get me wrong , I am NOT complaining !

But hey ,
there are times when we reminisce about the past right ?

So as I've mentioned in the previous post, I am happy of where I am today.
Just one decision made months ago, changed me 360 degrees.
Sometimes i feel i'm growing up too fast !

Not even noticing it , it's already my last year of teen year this year .
(ooh yes, read that phrase again if you must)

forever my pillar of strength

ohh well ,
at least i'm making full use of year 2011 this time :)

There's not much time to waste , little brats .
goodnight !


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